Friday, November 4, 2011


Heyyyy my Friends!
Long busy day with visitors! NOT too busy to get my cardio session in.. :)

This is the loveley ladies with me who place 1st and 3rd at Gym&Co Grand Prix.  Beauties right?

Summary of my day.
Breakfast was Rye and egg (yea yea it know.. its getting old.. but I really love it!! )
Lunch was chicken salad , we dined out.
Snacked on some nuts and a yogurt! yummy!

THEN the big treat! This is one of my favourite proteins! Salmon...
This was turned into dinner - - - - - - - >

I marinated the salmon with fresh, chopped dill, pepper, salt and lemon juice.
After I put it into a very hot pan, I added few drops of Soy sauce! Let it steam for 1Ominutes.. well depending on how rare you like your fish?

With this, I served oven grilled veggies!
Chopped carrots, onions, mushrooms, bellpeppers, zuchini... spiced with paprika, salt and pepper and a table spoon of olive oil!
Voila! it was delish!

I have salmon once a week!

 health benefits of salmon.
  1. Maintain Brain Health
    Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which known to support brain function by increasing the memory, relax the brain and prevent age related decline in brain function which inducedAlzheimer’s disease.
  2. Improve Eye Health
    As salmon high in omega 3 fatty acids and amino acids, they help improve eye health and prevent macular degeneration, dryness and fatigue of eyes.
  3. Protect body against Free Radicals
    Salmon is great source of selenium, a mineral that help protect the body from free radical damage, which can weaken cells and leave them vulnerable to infections and other diseases.
  4. Reduce High Blood Pressure
    Salmon help control high blood pressure. It provides protection against heart attack andstroke.
  5. Prevent Heart Disease
    Omega-3 helps in lowering the level of triglycerides, which increases the risk of heart disease in case of its high accumulation.
  6. Protect Skin
    Omega-3 is also known to have anti-inflammatory effect. It has the ability to protect skin against sunburn as well as skin cancer.
  7. Protect Digestive Tract and Prevent Cancer
    Salmon is healthy for the digestive tract and offer protection against some type of cancer. People eat salmon have less chance of developing cancer in the breast, colon, esophagus, pharynx, pancreas, mouth, ovary, stomach and rectum.
  8. Reduce Depression
    The omega-3 in salmon helps in reducing depression and thus keeps a person in good mood.
  9. Protect body against Kidney Cancer
    Like other fatty fish, Salmon is helpful against kidney cancer. It is effective in defending against renal cell carcinoma, which is the most common kidney cancer form.
  10. Reduce the risk of Leukemia
    Eating salmon is also effective in reducing the risk of leukemia, multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkins lymphoma 
  11.  (The link if you need more)

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