Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Back to "normal" food...

I feel so yuck of the carbo load of the weekend.. puffy, and my eyes are really actually puffy! Tired and bloated!
Started going to back to decent eating habits today.
Will do my new gym program soon, and put it up.

This was what I had for breakast.
a Piece of rye toast with scrambled eggwhites, a slice of ham and rocket.  Love the peppery taste rocket adds to food!

 I made me this shake around 11-ish...Wow this was gooooooooooood.

1 Scoop whey (used chocolate)
cup water
100g Fromage Blanc ( substitute with Bulgarian yogurt)
1 tsp Agave syrop (sub with Honey)
And blend! voila!
Tasted like choc milk...mmmmmmmmmm

This was lunch.

Grilled veg:
chopped onions, peppers,zucchini, mushrooms. sprinkle salt, groundpepper and herbs. grill in over for about 30mins.

Grilled in pan, with drop of olive oil.
added chopped olives and onion, herbs and salt

I just put everything on a bed of rocket, and a tablespoon of seeds over it.
The seedmix I used here is pinenuts,sunflower and pumpkin!
It was quite delicious!


  1. SJOOEEEE dit lyk so lekker. Mens vergeet hoe lekker jy kan eet en dis nogsteeds gesond!

  2. Verseker! Diet hoef nie boring te wees nie!


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