Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bicep & Shoulder training next 8 weeks....

This is the program I will be following for the next 8 weeks.  I usually stick to a program for 8 weeks and then I change it again.  I get many questions about workouts. 
This is just the weights I use, I want to put on some muscle, that is why I am doing sets of 8 with heavier (I'm a girl okay!!!) weights. 
If you just want to tone, use the same exercises with lighter weights and do 3 sets of 15.


1.  Barbell shoulder press;
Bar + 10kg
4 sets of 12

2.  Lateral raises with dumbbell;
2x6kg, 4 sets of  8

3.  One arm side lateral raises with dumbbell;
2x4kg, 4 sets of 8

4.  Full circle delt raises;

2x4kg, 4 sets of 8

5.  Bent over reverse flyes;
2x6kg, 4sets of 12

6.  One arm front dumbbell raise;
2x4kg, 4sets of 8

7.  Standing should press with dumbbell;
2x6kg, 4sets of  8


1.  Alternate bicep curls; 
2x6kg, 3sets of 30

2.  Incline bicep  curls;
6kg, 4sets of 8 per arm

3.  Barbell curls;
Bar(10kg) + 10kg,  4sets of 8

4.  Hammer curls;
6kg, 4sets of 8 per arm

5.  Cable bicep curls;
15kg, 4sets of 8

I pray to be like the ocean, with soft currents, maybe waves at times. More and more, I want theconsistency rather than the highs and the lows.

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