You will need....
I love to make this paste to cover my beef with, after I seared it in a pan, and then baking in a hot oven.
In a grinder combine:
Fresh parsley,
Fresh dill,
Tablespoon of pinenuts
2 cloves of garlic
I suppose you can add some olive oil, but since beef is allready high in fat, I do not add this.
After searing your beef, cover it with this paste, add salt and pepper to taste and bake in a hot oven.
This is the type of thing I would have after a hard leg training session.
Chicken, quinoa and salad.
Chicken is just spiced and baked in the oven
Quinoa is boiled with a chicken stock cube for flavour.
First time I ever saw the thing. Put it in a pot to cook and it exploded!! lol...
So cooked and opened it. This was what it looked like. Taste is great! This portion came from one squash. Its quite big!
The taste is more or less the same as normal gem squash,

might have a bit more flavour to it.!
With this I prepared chicken and veggies. Basically just steamed it, since I will be competing again this weekend.
You can see I have chicken, mushrooms, bell peppers, fresh garlic,

asparagus. Flavoured with fresh herbs.
I just chopped it all into a pan with a
touch of water to steam... takes about 15 - 20 minutes.
This was the end product. You can make this really tasty if you are not using the recipe for contest diet!
I found this 7% fat cheese, tried it yesterday. Really good. This is what I love about off season,... i get to have this type of treats!
Its important to have dairy in your diet! Just go easy on it....
Portion of fresh, white fish.
Fresh choppen dill, rosemary , garlic
Fresh lemon
Lightly oil your non-stick pan with olive oil.
grill each side more or less 5minute. Add your fresh herbs and a squeeze of lemon!
Grill untill browned lightly!
Serve with, rice, and veggies!
You can use cabbage instead of kale. It can be difficult to get hold of sometimes! Prepare by cutting the cabbage in quaters, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 30 - 60min. Test it with a toothpick.
Flakes precooked tilapia.
Fresh chopped herbs, including dill
A dash of soy sauce
2 eggs
2 tablespoons of oatmeal.
Bake spoonfulls in a non stick pan. 5 minutes each side!
Marinate pork chops in 2table spoons of balsamic and a tablespoon of honey. It should sit about 30 -60mins. Choose the cuts with the least fat... remove ALL visible fat from meat!!!
Cook in a non stick pan. 10minutes each side should do the trick!
I served this with lentils, kale and tomatoes....
Literally use about 5 wheels of chorizzo, this is a very spicey sausage and JuSt for flavour.
In a non stick pan, NO oil, heat the sausage wheels, add chopped mushrooms, shallots, bell peppers and young peas in a pod. Let it sit about 10minutes. Add chicken strips. Season to taste.
Let it sit about 15minutes for chicken to cook well.

Salmon wholegrain pancake
Steam fresh salmon for a while. It should still be pink inside. Flake it lightly with a fork.
Grill mushrooms. Add lentils. Add flaked salmon
Prepare your pancake with tomato, rocket and avocado. Scoop salmon mix into pancake and Bon App!

My first Go at Tofu...
A cup of boiled brown rice
100g of Tofu chopped into cubes
5 olives
I used a Aubergine curry relish, to mix it all with.
Will still give the recipe of the relish!
Beef Mince with Yam and peas+carrots mix
Quite easy and straight forward. A meal for leg training days. Bit higher calories. 100grams of lean beef mince. 60g of oven roasted yam (sweet potato) and 100g of steamed peas.
No fat added in cooking!

My favourite veggies for oven grilled veggies!!!
I made these with 100g of pan grilled Salmon. Added some sugarfree gherkins... yum
See pic below
I put the salmon in a hot pan. Its never necessary for oil, because this fish makes his own when heated.
Buckwheat pasta with chicken fillet and purple cabbage
See article on this highly beneficial food!
Grilled chicken fillet in tablespoon of olive oil .
Steam cabbage.
Buckwheat pasta cooks very fast.. so be careful not to overcook.
I grilled the fish with lots of fresh garlic, lemon juice , salt and pepper.
Veggie mix in the pan! Served with grilled chicken.

I seasoned my veggies with soy sauce, herbs, salt and pepper. The chicken is grilled in a non-stick pan.