Fitness sure takes a lot more motivation in the festive season, BUT I am doing what needs to be done! Already cleaned up the diet. I am working hard for next season and planning the bring the best shape to date! The earlier you start... the better prepared!
The fact that I have heat activated eczema this summer does not make my case easy... since there is no Gym in the town I am on holiday. This means I am squatting in the kitchen, next to where my Dad is frying bacon and onions. .....lol .... its okay, you can laugh at me now.
Here is my workout from this morning:
Super set:
Bicep curls
Overhead triceps extent ions
Push ups
15 reps 4 Sets each
Super set:
Bent over rear delt raises
Lateral raises
Front raises
15 reps 4 Sets each
Squat with kettle bell alternating between front grip and overhead grip.
20 reps 4 sets
Calf raises
25 reps 4 sets
Reverse crunches
Leg raises
20 reps 3 sets
This workout took me 50 minutes to complete with a good sweat and calorie burn!
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