After being on cortisone injections for a few weeks (many of my friends know I have been going through something with my skin - which is 'sort of' under control now) , my appetite has been out of control (not under control ...lol ) .
It is so hard to get your mind focused again after derailing a little bit. For people who think they have weak will power, it is not as simple as that. Don't beat yourself up too much. You teach yourself to get stronger at begin good with your diet, over time.
A pattern of avoiding and binging -- not sugar itself -- may lead to addict-like effects. Sugar even affects the same "feel-good" brain hormones as street drugs. Nobody would say sugar is the same as heroin, but it can still mess with your brain and body.
You may have an eating disorder or a plain bad habit. Anyone can use sugary foods in ways that aren't healthy. Some signs: You may lose control and eat more than you planned. You may feel bad when you skip your daily cookie "fix." These low blood sugar symptoms include feeling a little nervous and shaky.
Sugar fuels every cell in the brain. When you overload on sugary foods, it may alter the parts of the brain that control how much you eat.
Alot of hormones is involved when it comes to eating. There is never just a simple answer.
I simply cannot have one bite of something sweet though, it sends my body into overdrive, every fibre urging me to have more sugar. So... I did a bit of searching and testing for a cookie recipe. These are not sweet, so it will not activate any triggers! Still easing the mind that I am having cookies.

Retrain your tastebuds. Gradually reduce high sugar foods in your diet. Excange it for fruit or honey. Your tastebuds will adapt to this over time and cravings for simple sugars will reduce.
Cook recipe:
1/3 cup of coconut oil
6 eggs
2 tablespoons honey
3/4 cup of coconut flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Pinch of salt
Pinch of xantham gum
Mix all ingredients and bake 20-25 minutes
At what temperature must the oven be, 180 or 200 degrees?