Monday, May 27, 2013

Empower yourself!!!

Hello Friends, 

I have been very quiet on here.  I am in South Africa (homeland) for holidays.  So excuse the absence! 

I was just struck by a great blog idea this morning. Empowering yourself! I want to share some ideas on the subject with you, and feel free to add anything you want to! 

I want to start with a VERY important one.  

You have no idea how your words define your actions.  This does not even just refer to my career in fitness, but to everything else also.  If you have made up your mind in advance that you are going to fail, how can you tell yourself any different? I repeat this REPLACE NEGATIVE WITH POSITIVE TALK! 

Avoid blaming external forces for your mistakes and wrong decisions. Take responsibility!!! 

Recognize YOUR value! How little do we sometimes think of ourselves? Have you noticed that you would never speak to a friend, or even foe in the manner you sometimes speak to yourself? Be kind to YOU! 

Determine what you want and take action to do it! Without you taking the necessary steps, no dream will ever become a reality! It does not happen by itself. 

Okay I dont want to bore you, so enough with the pep

Have a great week! 

People seldom do things to the best of their ability.  They do things to the best of their willingness. - Unknown

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