Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Into sardines?

This is a very powerful fish, extremely high in Omega fatty acids, which in return is essential to your health... So into Sardines? Here is some reasons why you should be.  
Sardines and Wasa crackers

In the picture you can see how I used a serving of sardines, post workout, on a cracker, with tomatoes.  Its perfect, high protein, and carbs to fill up the glycogen stores in your muscles. 
1.  Cancer prevention:  
Due to high amounts of Omega fatty acid, which protects against cancer.

2.  Anti-Inflammatory effects:  

Sardine's high omega-3 fatty acid 


makes them an optimal supplement for people 

with arthritis or joint pains. 

3.  Cholesterol Health;

Omega-3 fatty acids can help raise high-density lipoproteins, or the good cholesterol, while also lowering low-density lipoproteins, the bad cholesterol.

 4.  Bone health;  

Sardines contain 2 times the calcium of milk. 

5.  Blood Health and Immune System;

Sardines contain about 222 percent of the daily recommended value of vitamin B-12, which is associated with healthy red blood cell formation. Red blood cells help fight disease and maintain a healthy immune system

6.  Brain and Nervous system;

Vitamin B12 is associated with the healthy maintenance of the body's central nervous system. Those who do not obtain adequate supplies of Vitamin B-12 may have difficulty concentrating, suffer memory loss and experience mood alterations. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been associated with cognitive health and may help prevent degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Read more: 

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