I hope all of you are super!? Me --- I am crabby, hungry, depleted and have waaaaaay to much assignments to finish..BUT my dear better half did book me an awesome massage (in 1 hour) Yay
I cannot believe it's just 2 days away. I am really excited, but must admit nervous too! Need to put a lid on it and just ENJOY this experience!!!
I am happy with how my condition came in. I worked really hard, and did want I wanted to do even through my sugar addiction. ( admitted addict now yes)
Been planning my Sunday indulgence meals... lol... this is soooooo wrong! Setting myself up to go overboard. The thing with this is, that your stomach shrank so much, you CANNOT eat all you intended to! Just not possible... for me anyways! haha!
Break fast was 6 egg whites, slice of pineapple, some tomato and hand full of almonds.
The other meals consisted of either fish and veggies-asparagus-cucumber, or chicken and the latter. I really kept it together good. Haven't had a cookie since laaaaaaaaaast Monday ---- this is BIG!
This is my last carb free day. Tomorrow I am putting the oats back baby!!!
I am also leaving for Paris early tomorrow morning, with a dear friend. She is going to help me with my tan , etc. We will just relax the whole day, its critical at this stage for water retention. Also, I reduce water intake tomorrow to about 1 - 1.5L for the day.

TIME TO HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!
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