Saturday, October 6, 2012

Final week - What I will be munching away at!

 My trolley for the last week of show prep.  What you eat now is very important - not for weight loss - what's done is done at this stage, but for eliminating excess water out of your body. 

Naturally you will choose foods that is natural diuretics and low in starch. 

I've listed my favourites for last week show prep! This can make a huge difference on show day!!! 

This is a well known favourite.  Asparagus is a natural diuretic, due to its high potassium levels. Potassium regulates water balance in the body. It contains many vitamins and minerals such as B, A and C.  

Source of potassium and Vitamin C, when unpeeled. . They are very high in water, and has a cleansing action in the body. 

I have to quote this whole piece... because wow... POWER FOOD!!! 'Spinach contains an impressive range of active substances which are indispensable to the body. In its structure we find mineral salts (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc, manganese, iodine, copper), vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, PP, E, K, folic acid, vitamin A), chlorophyll, amino acids such as arginine and lysine, but also lipids, protides, glucdes and fibers. With only 17 calories, 100 grams of spinach supplies the body with 5 mg of iron, 500 mg of potassium, 170 mg of calcium, 23 mg of vitamin C, 2 mg of vitamin E, 150 micrograms of folic acid, 3500 micrograms of beta-carotene and 7 grams of alimentary fibers. Because of this, an alimentary diet which contains spinach, leads to the strengthening of the body. The magnesium contained in spinach helps prevent diabetes; iodine helps treat skin diseases and strengthens the immune system; vitamin K contributes to bone resistance; vitamin B improves cerebral activity, helps in maintaining the firmness of the skin and controls insomnia; potassium stimulates the cardiac muscle; beta-carotene prevents sight problems and sulfur increases hair attractiveness. Alimentary fibers, vitamins and minerals contained make spinach a good depurative and detoxifies. The toxins originating in nourishment's that are rich in fat and proteins of animal origin are thus eliminated quickly. At the same time, alimentary fibers prevent constipation and colon cancer. They interact with the absorption of fat and adjust the level of cholesterol in the body. Moreover, spinach can help eliminate intestinal parasites. All of these are sufficient reasons to start a diet based on spinach or at least for introducing it more often into everyday nourishment. By being nutritive, tonifying, mineralizing, calming for the nervous system and also a good coagulant, spinach benefits growth.' -

Contain lykopene - preventative against cancer.  Tomatoes is high in Vitamin A and C and Potassium. They are very low in calories. So eat up! 

Not only are Avocados packed with healthy fats they are also high in vitamins and minerals, making them one of the most nutritionally dense foods.  They are full of: 

  • B Vitamins
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamin
  • Potassium
They are calorie dense, so do not go overboard with this one. 

Banana peppers:

They are called this, due to the long shape, 
no banana in there. lol. Like most peppers, 

banana peppers are high in vitamin C. One 

serving provides 45 percent of the 

recommended daily allowance. It also 

delivers 2 percent of your vitamin A, 1 

percent of your iron and half a gram of 

protein. Banana peppers are low in sodium.

They fall into my 'free food' catagory, so 

you can consume alot of these! 


They have low carbs, fatfree , small 

amounts of vitamins and add great taste to food! 


Pineapple is good for you because it supplies a significant amount of vitamin C, potassium 

and manganese. 

The golden-yellow fruit also is free of fat and low in sodium. It is a source of fiber and also 

contains an enzyme associated with healing and preventing certain major maladies.

Fresh pineapples are the sole source of bromelain, a combination of protein-digesting 

enzymes that fight

 inflammation in the body

Pineapples don't burn fat directly, but they're one of many foods that help your body burn 

fat efficiently. Like many 

other fruits, pineapples are rich in vitamin 

The body needs vitamin C to burn fat. The 

less vitamin C in your diet, the more likely 


are to have excess fatty 

deposits on your body.

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