Hello ....
I just woke up and not able to sleep again. Went to bed so early last night , earlier than I normally do and now I am awake! Grrrrrr ! Actually it's nice , I am listening to the rain falling outside. Beautiful music in my ears.
I would like to share this progress picture of my tush with you. Anyone who knows me , knows how hard I have been training my glutes. Main goal: buttlift ! This is 6 months of REALLY hard work. I am so happy with the result. You can clearly see how the crease have lifted!
Okay I'm not planning to talk only about my behind. :)
I want to share a super fast , delicious recipe , for when you are very limited on time.
Tuna bake:
All you need is 2 cups cooked mixed vegetables , a can of tuna and 3 eggs .
Place cooked veggies in a bread pan, cover with the tuna. Beat the eggs with 2 tablespoons of milk and add spices to taste. Pour the mixture over the tuna and veg.
Bake for 40min at 200deg . Should give 3 servings of 130 calories each

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