Hello friends,
I hope all of you are doing great. This is my favourite time of the day, when I can just come home after a day's hard work. Have a good nutritious meal. Take off my make-up so my skin can breathe again. Take a cold shower (not cold by choice). Sit down and sip a mug of infused tea. Ahhh bliss. I was suppose to go train, but my body is just so drained - it is better to know when you need rest.
My thoughts have been around this topic the whole day. How do you remain positive when it feels like everything around you is working against you? I tend to believe that I am a positive and grateful person, but even the most positive of us have days where you would rather go rock in a corner with your knees hugging your chest. lol. Serious... this happens to the best of us. What makes the difference is how you are going to handle this negativity.
Look life in the eye and just say 'COME AT ME' ... Your attitude will be the number 1 denominator in whether problems is going to get under your skin or not. I have this thing I do and for me it really works. I wallow in self pity for a day. Really. Ha ha! Normally while I am doing this, it dawns upon me that I am being such a ungrateful idiot, because I have so much to be thankful for. There are people so much worse off and they are smiling.
Obstacles are ALWAYS going to come your way in many shapes and forms. Lift your pretty lill' chins up ladies and look life in the eye.

Anyhow... on a lighter note. Here is a delicious meal recipe I had after work today. Took me 10 minutes to prepare!
People always ask me how I get my fish like that. I have a few tricks up my sleeve... which I am still deciding if I am sharing ( I am bribe able... haha)
Pan grill your hake in coconut oil. I seasoned with Coarse salt,pepper and rosemary.
For the coleslaw I shredded cabbage. Added 100ml of Hellman's Light mayonnaise, a tablespoon of honey and about 100g of dried cranberries. Salt and pepper to taste.
Bonn ap!