Jeepers creepers this one went down well!!!! It is extremely filling too! Had a difficult time finishing it.
So you need the following ingredients:
1 scoop QNT delicious whey protein
100ml unsweetend almond milk (suppose you could use fat free milk if you do not have almond)
50g egg white
30g coconut flour. (you will find this in your healthshop, suppose you could try so use almond flour too)
Mix all the ingredients and microwave with intervals. Check it frequently. Mine took about a minute all and all to be done. The sides will start to rise up. Then simply tip your mug cake over in a plate and cover in whatever you like. I used Walden farms zero calorie strawberry sirop and of course cinnamon.
Calories 230
Carbs 15g
Fat 4g
Protein 32g
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