I want to wish all of you a happy and prosperous new year! May all of your goals, fitness and others come true! Be the one who MAKES them come true. Don't make goals to break them. It feels good to know you did your best to keep them...
Let's kick off the new year with this short and simple training and meal plan. I am sure the holiday season took its toll on most of us? Now is the time to burn the excess calories!! Take action!

1 egg + 3 egg whites
50g oats or 1 slice whole wheat bread
Chicken breast
Half cup brown rice
1 cups vegetables
2 crackers with tuna
White fish
2 cups vegetables
To get the most from this meal plan I would advise to go for less starchy vegetables as well as oven grilling or steam cooking your food.

Day 1: Legs
1. Barbell squats 4x15
2. Travelling lunges 4x25
3. Leg press 4x15
4. Glute kickbacks 4x15
6. Jump squats 4x20
7. Standing calf raises 4x20
Day 2: Interval training
Perform this exercise like this: Put an interval timer on 45 seconds action with 15 seconds rest. You will do the exercises in circuit. Perform the whole circuit 4 times, taking 2 minutes rest in between each circuit.
1. Jump lunges
2. Push ups
3. Triceps dips
4. Double leg bench jumps
5. Run stairs
6. Jumping Jacks
7. Jump squats
8. Crunches
Day 3: Arms
1. 5 minutes boxing warm up
2. Bent over one arm rows. 4x12
3. Lateral pull downs 4x12
4. Assisted pull ups 3x to exhaustion
5. Overhead triceps extensions 3x 15
6. Lateral delt raises 3x15
7. Alternating bicep curls 3x24
8. Cable bicep curls 3x45
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Photos by Dewald Kirsten- South African Photographer.
You can see more of his work here:
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