Adding to this, she runs a hectic schedule and end up eating the wrong thing in the evening, because she is too tired to cook. Here is my suggestion!
Firstly , excuses are convenient to make wrong choices. Nobody makes the right choices when it comes to their training, dieting,etc all the time. Aim for 70% and you should be off quite fine. PLANNING is key.
Start off with your meals. You already know the following. You are going to be in class all day. You are going to come home tired. You are going to try to do something worth while in the gym. Come home more tired. Flop down on the couch and eat the wrong thing. -------------- which leads to YOU DON'T HAVE THE ENERGY TO SUSTAIN YOUR HIGH PACED LIFE! and BOOOOM! body says STOP!
Oooo so dramatic. he he he! Try this. When you start out, its effort, after a while it gets habbit! When you are home, cook pots of rice, whole grain pasta. Make extra and put it in the fridge. Instead of making 4 chicken breasts , make 8! Save them for tomorrow night when you come home tired. Cook veggies in advance. I like to cook a whole kg of frozen veg at a time, and keep it in the fridge. Your aim should be that there is never a time that there is not wholesome cooked food in your house. It is so much easier whipping something up,if half of your dinner is already cooked. Look at some of my recipes for meatballs, fishcakes, etc. These can keep in the fridge a while. DON'T BUY WHITE BREAD. Buy rye.
Your grocery list should look like this.
Good Carbs: Yams, wholegrain/gluten free pasta, brown rice, rye bread
and loads of veggies
So, my meal plans is already on here, if you browse around a bit. There is lots of ideas for meals, recipes, etc.
Regarding training. My program are also loaded here. Just yesterday I loaded one I've been doing which lasts 30mins and it kicks your ass!!! Mix your routine up with things like that!
Try some
Dropsets; you start off with the heaviest weight you can do 8-10 reps for, immediately drop to lower weight and again do 8-10 reps, immediately drop to next lower weight and do another 8 - 10 reps.... that counts as 1 set. You need to do 3 sets like this.
Super sets :if there are two exercises in the superset, lets say bench press and bent over rows, and you are to do 3 sets of 10 it would look like this:
set one
A) bench press 10 reps
B) bent over rows 10 reps
B) bent over rows 10 reps
Repeat 3 times
Youtube is a great tool for getting a good explanation when you do not know a exercise!
I load new workouts here from time to time! Give them a go, if you do not know a exercise. Just youtube it!
I hope this helps a bit!
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