Friday, November 29, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Stuffed giant mushrooms
I hope you had a great weekend? I sure did. Busy busy busy!
I want to share a very delicious recipe with you. I made these stuffed giant mushrooms last night. What a treat!

You need 230g lean ground beef
1 Small onion
1 Tablespoon Woolworths Slimmers choice Chutney
1 Tablespoon soy sauce
Spices to taste : I used fresh rosemary, salt and pepper
2 Giant mushrooms
Chop your lill' onion. Mix with ground beef and spices. Devide equally and top the mushrooms.
Pop in the oven for about 30-40minutes. It really depends on how cooked you eat your beef. I like it almost charcoal. lol... I want to be able to draw pictures with my meat, then it means its cooked enough :)

I served my stuffed mushrooms with a side salad of mixed greens and 90g of avocado.
This works well as a lunch or as a dinner. There is no carbs in this meal. My mealplan clients can use this in for their beef meals.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories: 223
Fat: 9g
Protein: 33g
Carbs; 0g
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Grilled asparagus dish

I am doing a lot of vegetarian dishes lately. I am not going 'veggo' or anything , just not craving too much meat at the moment.
Here is a simple but delicious asparagus recipe. :
Grill asparagus with tiny bit coconut oil in a pan. When cooked, slice into tiny pipes. ( or what you may call it)
Add beansprouts, chopped avocado, celery ,cherry tomatoes and a few almonds.
I gave it a turn or two of salt and black
Bon ap! :)
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Cabbage stirfry
This a an excellent example of your vegetable portion for my meal plan clients. Try this one, you will not be sorry. I simply love this recipe!
I will briefly explain how you make it. Super easy.
In a lightly oiled pan , fry a onion, a red bell pepper, 1 small chopped chilly and a teaspoon of fresh garlic.
Add your chopped cabbage and let it grill until you feel it is soft or hard enough. I like mine still crunchy.
You could have this as a side with chicken breasts, fish or beef.
I had mine with avocado and little bit of mozzarella ( Not good for my lactose problem.. I know) . This is vegetarian option and still delicious!
You can really prepare this in 5 minutes, so no excuses for not having time. :)
I will briefly explain how you make it. Super easy.

Add your chopped cabbage and let it grill until you feel it is soft or hard enough. I like mine still crunchy.
You could have this as a side with chicken breasts, fish or beef.

You can really prepare this in 5 minutes, so no excuses for not having time. :)
Monday, November 18, 2013
Homemade applesauce with Pink Lady apples
See now... Making this is really as easy as taking candy from a child. (don't do that though... bad habit! :)
To get one cup applesauce I peeled 6 Pink Lady apples. Cut into blocks. Cook until soft and mash. Voila! You have applesauce! I use this as a replacement when baking, instead of butter and sugar.
Meal tips and recipes,
Paleo friendly,
Pink Lady,
Protein bread with QNT delicious protein
I want to share a great recipe with you. This bread can be used in place of store bought normal bread for people with wheat or gluten intolerance's.

You will need:
2 Scoops QNT whey protein
1 Cup oat bran
3 whole eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup applesauce
Mix everything well and pour mixture into a lightly oiled oven tray. Bake at 200 degrees for about 20minutes. Test with a tooth pick to see if inside is cooked.
Let it cool before trying to remove the bread from the pan, otherwise it will break.
Should make 8 servings.

You will need:

1 Cup oat bran
3 whole eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup applesauce
Mix everything well and pour mixture into a lightly oiled oven tray. Bake at 200 degrees for about 20minutes. Test with a tooth pick to see if inside is cooked.
Let it cool before trying to remove the bread from the pan, otherwise it will break.
Should make 8 servings.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Food addiction - FACT
Good morning,
I want to talk about a subject that comes up so much. Food
I am convinced that food is the most addictive drug there is, much worse than ... uhem... okay, I don't know the names of drugs. lol... In food, the culprit being sugar of course. A new study has found that high-sugar snacks activate an area of the brain that is also stimulated by hard drugs.
I will quote the study from The Dailymail, for you to read. I found this quite interesting.
The images revealed intense activation of the nucleus accumbens, a critical brain area in the dopaminergic, mesolimbic system that mediates pleasure eating, reward and craving.
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I want to talk about a subject that comes up so much. Food
I am convinced that food is the most addictive drug there is, much worse than ... uhem... okay, I don't know the names of drugs. lol... In food, the culprit being sugar of course. A new study has found that high-sugar snacks activate an area of the brain that is also stimulated by hard drugs.
I will quote the study from The Dailymail, for you to read. I found this quite interesting.
''The study involved creating two milkshakes - one with a high, and one with a low glycaemic index.
The milkshakes were otherwise identical, with similar calories and taste.
The drinks were then given to 12 healthy, overweight men on different days and in random order.
Four hours after the high glycaemic index shake, participants were hungrier than those who had consumed the low glycaemic index shake.
Experts also carried out functional MRI imaging on all participants.

Similar activation patterns have been found in people after consumption of addictive substances, such as heroin and cocaine.
Dr Lennerz said that their findings 'provide qualified support for the possibility of food addiction'.
She added: 'While food is necessary for life, we eat for reasons beyond our daily energy needs. When overeating becomes a pattern that is hard to break, we say someone is "addicted" to food.'
Finally Dr Lennerz concluded that while more research is needed to examine the concept of food addiction, 'the fact that a food may affect addiction centres in the brain, independent of calories or pleasure, provides the basis to rethink current dietary recommendations'.''
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Monday, November 4, 2013
Self love - Vanity?
Self Love? Vanity? Where's the line, and how do you walk it?
I believe a little vanity leads to a healthy self-esteem. This being said, there is a line. Sometimes we linger on that thin line, as fitness girls. In a industry like this, you want to promote a healthy, fit body. You have to be the advert for yourself, if you want to make a success. If this need a little self-love, then so be it.
In my humble opinion, if you still inspire people to be the best that they can be, and you are not just working for self gain, there is nothing wrong with it. You are taking the lead and giving something positive back. The most important part is to remain HUMBLE. In great success, it is an even greater achievement to keep your little feet grounded.
Arrogance can be a deadly quality and can have an extremely negative effect on a sufferer's daily life, personal relationships and performance at work.
So how do you see the difference? This will vary from person to person as to what they perceive to be over confident and vain... as to someone who feels competent and self-assured, a person willing to take responsibility, who at the same time cares about others.
To conclude; believe in yourself. Trust in your abilities and above all remember that humility is the most attractive characteristic you can find in someone.

In my humble opinion, if you still inspire people to be the best that they can be, and you are not just working for self gain, there is nothing wrong with it. You are taking the lead and giving something positive back. The most important part is to remain HUMBLE. In great success, it is an even greater achievement to keep your little feet grounded.
Arrogance can be a deadly quality and can have an extremely negative effect on a sufferer's daily life, personal relationships and performance at work.
So how do you see the difference? This will vary from person to person as to what they perceive to be over confident and vain... as to someone who feels competent and self-assured, a person willing to take responsibility, who at the same time cares about others.
To conclude; believe in yourself. Trust in your abilities and above all remember that humility is the most attractive characteristic you can find in someone.
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