Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Remember the journey

I always joke around and say I have so many personalities cooped up inside me, resulting in never a dull moment.  My point with this that each one of them have the need to speak their mind, ending up in me talking too much. lol

So, one of these girls was thinking about something this morning while driving to gym.   The journey.  We can sometimes get so lost with the end in sight, the final goal, that we forget to enjoy the magical journey that leads you there. Sometimes even less magical, but I believe that the hardships is what makes you appreciate the end goal even more.

If things come too easy, you just do not appreciate it that much.  It is when you put in the hard labour that the fruit you pick is 'oh so sweet'!

Another thought was that when we choose not to focus on the journey, you take so much pleasure away from yourself.  Be happy in the moment. JUST BE. There is no feeling more pleasing than just to BE.  I love this word => Content.  Be content.  Life is too short and you cannot afford to take any of the precious moments away from yourself - even the less enjoyable ones.

Anyhow - this was me being deep today. :)

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