I am starting on the 3rd cycle of the carb experiment. On the left was breakfast. Looks kinda dodgy? Tasted good! Haha! Consisted of 50g of oats, Scoop of ZeroCarb Metapure and 100g of apple compot. (don't know what this is actually called in english? Its mashed cooked apples? ) Satisfied my sweet tooth!
WHO said you can't have burgers? 1 slice toasted rye 2 Beef patties (5% fat) Lettuce, tomatoes, peppers and onions. The avocado is really just a 10g teaser... Kept me happy though. NB: If you eat this in diet, HAVE IT POST WORKOUT. My muscles immediately absorbed the fast release sugars from the Rye toast. And they off course adored the yummy beef I have them. :) “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Hello my Friends! I have two delicious chicken salad recipes for you. The one to my right is chicken strips with lettuce, cucumber, and spoonful of Greek yogurt. I find Greek yogurt and a squeeze of lemon to be a good replacement for mayo. I want to add that Greek yogurt is high in protein and low in carbs, and lower in Lactose, than other yogurt types. Good thing - since Lactose don't like me. I seasoned it with paprika, salt and pepper. This Salad is chicken strips ( steamed) , baby spinach, avocado cubes and fresh raspberries.! Squeeze some lemon juice over it. Add salt and pepper! BBBoooooM!
Regarding the carb cycling experiment. It's going really really well. I have never managed to stick to a diet as easy as this. The food is more than enough to keep my cravings satisfied. Even my 3rd low carb day today, is feeling MUCH better than last week. Body is adapting well. Tomorrow is carb up day! Can you say BANANAS!!!! yay! I am leaning out really well. I will not bore everyone with progress pics... But believe me, its working! Muscle Mania Europe HERE WE COME!!!! “All of old. Nothing else ever. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” ― Samuel Beckett, Worstward Ho
Here is a quick low calorie and almost fat free frozen yogurt recipe. You need : 1 serving of fat free natural yogurt 1 sachet of stevia a Handful of frozen fruit of choice. I used strawberries. Unfortunately you need equipment with a strong blade to whizz the fruit. I broke my blade... oops. Work fast, so the fruit does not melt. Add the yogurt and stevia and blend well.! That's it! So easy! Enjoy....
I recently had a question. How do you know how much calories you need every day? I will try to put this together as simple as possible. Firstly you need to know what your Basic metabolic rate (BMR) is. This is the amount of calories your body uses, even if your are not lifting your bum off the couch. ... Which you should NOT do! Cause you don't get a pretty bum by sitting on it okay? To stay healthy and fully fuctional, you NEED to eat this amout of daily calories.
Calculating BMR: Women: 655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years) Men: 665 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years) http://calculator-converter.com/converter_kilograms_to_pounds_kg_to_lb_calculator_chart_table.phphttp://www.manuelsweb.com/in_cm.htm The two links is to convert your kg's to pounds and cm's to inches. We can use me as a quick example. I'm a women... last time I check. lol 655 + (4.3 x 121) + (4.7 x 62) - (4.7 x 26) 655 + 520.3 + 291.4 - 122.2 = 1344.5 BMR Step two: In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation: Calculate Activity:
If you are sedentary : BMR x 20 percent
If you are lightly active: BMR x 30 percent
If you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 40 percent
If you are very active (You exercise intensely on a daily basis or for prolonged periods.): BMR x 50 percent
If you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 60 percent
Add this number to your BMR. The result of this formula will be the number of calories you can eat every day and maintain your current weight. In order to lose weight, you'll need to take in fewer calories than this result. As you lose weight, you can re-calculate the formula to assess your new BMR. When all else fails... lol... here's a online calculator you can just put your stats in. There is so much info our there, that it can be easy to get confused as to what to use and what not! One really important tip I can give you, is learn to read your food lables!!!
SO! I am now getting started on the second cycle of my carb cycling experiment. Excycling! (lol... not funny)
The first week went well. I felt fine. Never really hunger or anticipating the next meal. BUT yesterday, on my 3rd low carb day I went ballistic. I wanted to put everything I see in my face. Thank goodness I did not, because I was awarded with a loss of a whopping 1.8kg this morning.
Today was high carb day. Soooooo stuffed! Had a hard gym session and felt strong and ready for cycle 2!
There you have it. !
Train hard and eat clean!!!
“Don't ever give up. Don't ever give in. Don't ever stop trying. Don't ever sell out. And if you find yourself succumbing to one of the above for a brief moment, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, whisper a prayer, and start where you left off. But never, ever, ever give up.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich, Eena, The Two Sisters
Have you ever wondered... What 'friggin' yogurt to choose, and why? Here n simplified table to show you some of the things I would look at. Mind the red highlighted columns.
Quoted from Web MD ' Plain, Nonfat Greek Yogurt
There are many yogurts on the market, and plain, nonfat Greek yogurt is a standout.
All yogurts are excellent sources of calcium, potassium, protein, zinc, and vitamins B6 and B12. What distinguishes Greek yogurt is its thicker, creamier texture because the liquid whey is strained out. Also, it contains probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose and has twice the protein content of regular yogurts.
“Skip the extra sugar calories found in most yogurts and pump up the protein by choosing Greek yogurt that contains twice as much protein, which is great for weight control because it keeps you feeling full longer,” says Judith Rodriguez, PhD, RD, president of the American Dietetic Association and nutrition professor at University of North Florida.
Rodriguez suggests pairing the tart yogurt with the natural sweetness of fresh fruit or your favorite whole grain cereal.'
There is no reps, sets or weights in here, because I think everyone should adjust it to suit them. I keep on changing mine from week to week. Have been getting good results doing that.
Hello ! I am currently on day 3 of my carb cycle experiment. Yesterday and today was low carb menu. (max 70g carbs per day) . I know they say to be considered really low carb should be under 60g per day, but I cannot afford to go that low at this stage. Will see how I get on with what I have right now. 10g of carb... not killing anyone! Still feeling fine. Felt bit more hungry today than yesterday, but I've been studying alot, so brain ask for carbs. lol... shut up brain. Happy to announce tomorrow is High carbs again! Amazeballs workout coming up! BOOOOM!!!
There have been happening alot of food porn recently. lol.... In 7 more days I will take a massive carb refeed. Still keeping fats low, but indulging in carbs only. Toast with mashed banana and honey, or pasta with mince and tomato sauce. That type of thing. I had a question about carbs. I will try to explain as best I could , as fast I could, to my knowledge. Simple carbs are refined carbs. They have a very high GI and will spike your blood sugar fast. It drops very quickly again, leaving you hungry. Fluctuations in blood sugar is not beneficial to fat burning. Simple carbs does have a place too. Post training, but not in the amounts we tend to eat it. Examples:
Regular (nondiet) carbonated beverages, such as soda
Table sugar
Fructose (found in fruits)
Galactose (found in milk products
White flour
white rice
Complex carbohydrates are generally healthier for you than simple carbs. They are usually low to medium GH. Keeping your blood sugar more stable. Which is very beneficial for fat burning. They take much longer to digest and often - but not always - contain a good amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. A few examples of complex carbohydrates are:
Cereals (whole grain)
Breads (whole grain)
Pasta (whole grain)
Now, regarding timing of carbs. I tend to have them when I wake up. Also pre- or post- training, because that is when your body needs the energy. As a rule I do not have carbs in the evening. Your body will not use the energy at this time , and store it as fat. So, I tend to eat last carbs with 16h snack. Unless I had a massive training session in the evening. Then I will eat something like sweet potato, just so my blood sugars does not drop too low. Small portion though.
At the end, your timing of taking carbs will depend on your lifestyle.
Quote from LIVESTRONG : The difference between simple and complex carbohydrates is the way your body processes them: Simple carbohydrates, also known as single or double sugars, can be absorbed and digested more quickly than complex carbohydrates, which contain three or more sugars. Because these simple sugars are processed more quickly, they can give your body quick energy, but they can cause spikes in blood sugar. Simple carbohydrates aren't necessarily unhealthy. When they are processed, refined or high in calories, however, you should limit your intake.
Hello my Friends! Wow I must admit I have not felt this good and carby in quite some time. I feel great. I could squat the world (or not, wishful thinking) .... Okay now, serious. I feel really great after the first day. This was a high carb day. Enjoyed my food alot. Had 2 killer sessions in the gym. 60 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes abs in the morning. Followed by 60minutes of training glutes and quads in the evening.
The cardio I did was moderate intensity. Since I am trying to preserve muscle mass. I did 20minutes on the recline cycle, 20 on elliptical, and 20 on treadmill. The abs I did was hanging leg raises, Lots of them and some things to work my lower abs. With stretching band. and yes, it hurt like hell. Tomorrow will be low carb, as well as Wednesday, so we will see how that goes. I am now less 9 weeks out from Muscle Mania Europe. In regards to progress, here's a shot I took Sunday. Still need to get those abs popping! I look forward to see how the carb cycling affects my body fat! Be like a postage stamp—stick to one thing until you get there.” Margaret Carty
Okay. This is something I have not yet before attempted. I just spend 3 hours putting a new meal plan together. From tomorrow I will start to follow this.
Basically you have High carb and Low carb days. The simple reason for this is dropping body fat while preserving muscle mass.
Don't try this yet, let's first see If I get fat okay? This diet is designed on MY stats, so If you attempt, remember to modify with YOUR stats.
The Low Carb Phase [1.2P 0.5F 0.6C]
The low carb phase of the diet can be set up easily with the following method.
(a) multiply your body weight in pounds by (1.2) - this is your protein level in grams Example - 130lb * 1.2 = 156g protein = 624 calories
(b) multiply your body weight in pounds by (0.5) - this is your fat level in grams Example - 130lb * 0.5 = 65g fat = 585 calories
(c) multiply your body weight in pounds by (0.6) - this your carbohydrate level in grams Example - 130lb * 0.6 = 78g carbs = 312 calories
The High Carb Phase [1.4P 0.3F 1.4C]
The high carb phase of the diet can be set up easily with the following method.
(a) multiply your body weight in pounds by (1.4) - this is your protein level in grams Example - 130lb * 1.4 = 182g protein = 728 calories
(b) multiply your body weight in pounds by (0.3) - this is your fat level in grams Example - 130lb * 0.3 = 40g fat = 364 calories
(c) multiply your body weight in pounds by (1.4) - this your carbohydrate level in grams Example - 130lb * 1.4 = 182g carbs = 728 calories
How I will be doing this. I worked out a High carb day, and a Low carb day meal plan. I use the low carb day practically the whole week, except on Monday , which is leg day and Thursday , which is leg day. The reason for doing this, I burn more calories during leg workouts, bigger muscles, need more repair and more carbs.
What's more to say.... hmmm Hold thumbs I dont get fat? lol...... Reckon it needs at least 3 weeks to see if it works.