Monday, August 13, 2012

Carb Cycle Day 1

Hello my Friends! 

Wow I must admit I have not felt this good and carby in quite some time. I feel great.  I could squat the world (or not, wishful thinking) .... 

Okay now, serious.  I feel really great after the first day. This was a high carb day. Enjoyed my food alot.  Had 2 killer sessions in the gym. 

60 minutes of cardio, 20  minutes abs in the morning. Followed by 60minutes of training glutes and quads in the evening. 

The cardio I did was moderate intensity. Since I am trying to preserve muscle mass.  I did 20minutes on the recline cycle, 20 on elliptical, and 20 on treadmill. 

The abs I did was hanging leg raises, Lots of them and some things to work my lower abs. With stretching band. and yes, it hurt like hell. 

Tomorrow will be low carb, as well as Wednesday, so we will see how that goes. 

I am now less 9 weeks out from Muscle Mania Europe.  In regards to progress, here's a shot I took Sunday. Still need to get those abs popping! 

I look forward to see how the carb cycling affects my body fat! 

Be like a postage stamp—stick to one thing until you get there.”    Margaret Carty


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