This is not a competition prep diet, this is my normal day-to-day way of eating. Many of you have asked for tips, etc. So here is a summary of my meal planning.
I have 5-6 smallish meals per day. Its
VERY important to not skip your meals. If you want to lose weight you need to put in effort. Nothing worth while comes without
EFFORT!!! This means preparing your meals in advance. Prepping is one of the most important part of a lean body.
I do get bored fast, so I like to experiment with new recipes and mix things up a bit!
A important rule to remember is to have protein with every meal, or at least a good fat. NEVER eat a carb alone. If you eat a fruit, have nuts with it. The protein/fat, slows down the rate at what the sugar hits your bloodstream and therefor causing less fluctuations in blood sugar.
Breakfast ..... My favourite meal of the day
Oats and eggwhites,
Eggwhite omelette with avocado and spinich,
Fritata with a slice of rye toast....
There is so many options, and it doesn't need to be boring!
For the next meal I usually take a protein shake..... that's enough for me.
Have a protein,carbs and lots of veggies!!!
For instance,
Chicken (no skin) , sweet potato and green veg of choice!
or, have fish and veggie stirfry with some brown rice.... yum...
Try to stick to white meats more than red!
Bulgarian yogurt, nuts, honey... mmmmmm
Or have a fruit and nuts...
Pre workout -
Protein shake
I like to keep my dinner simple and carb free.
A huge salad with a protein!
Here is a list of my favourites:
Good fats:
Almonds and other nuts
Flaxseed oil
Olive oil
Almond butter
Green Veggies
Bell peppers
Chicken (skinless)
Lean Beef
Brown rice
Hope this helps a bit!
You cannot out train a bad diet!!!