I've been contemplating to write this blog for so long, just decided to jump at it.
I receive so many messages/emails of people who say they will do ANYTHING to lose weight. They even list what they have done and what they are willing to do on top of that.
Client buys a plan, 1st week great, 2nd week good... 3rd week.... diet is not working. Client is done.
Let's paint a bigger picture. When you have alot of weight to lose, you can easily drop n few kg by simply making better food choices. When you reach the stage where you have plateaued, it is not that simple anymore. You need to be much more meticulous about what goes into your mouth. You need to be moving more and burn calories to burn fat.
The question you should be asking yourself, is this worth it for you? Is this a lifestyle that you do want to pursue? By simply following a plan I give you , here and there, it's not going to happen for you. If you do not adhere to your given macros, how would we know to make adaptions to your plan? Calories also need to be adjusted monthly to progress towards your goal.
I'm writing from my own experience and 10 years of settling into this type of lifestyle. It took me YEARS to find the balance. Sometimes I still battle.
1. You NEED to stick to your diet.
2. What you eat determines 80% of how you look.
3. You cannot sneak a glass of wine, spill on your macros and think your body will not pick up on it. Everything counts.
4. Condiments adds calories, which means your weigh loss deficit is no longer a deficit. This includes the honey you put into your tea!
5. WEEKENDS are the silent death. Why does everyone spoil their diet on a weekend? They are out of routine and goes into relaxing mode. This is when you should be more focused on staying on track, just because this is what makes the difference between success and failure.
6. You cannot fix food binges with more cardio. You cannot out train a bad diet!
7. You cannot TONE and not build muscle. Toning is building muscle. You need muscle to have shape when your bodyfat comes down, otherwise there will only be skin and bone.
8. If you want to get stage lean, you need to follow the rules 95% of the time.
9. Sneaking cookies and chocolate IS going stall your progress.
10. MINDSET is everything. a Positive mindset will get you further than any great genetics would!
Next time you say you will do anything, think about what you are willing to sacrifice to get there.
Being lean or thin isn't everything, being happy is. If you enjoy a glass of wine with friends, think about whether you are prepared to give that up to go do your cardio.