Sunday, October 21, 2012

Role of Vitamins and minerals

Hello my Friends...

Remember a few weeks back I asked you to ask questions about vitamins and minerals.  Well, for those interested to know the anwers------- Here they are! 

1.       Role of Vitamins and minerals:

Vitamins and minerals are micro nutrients. They are need in the body in very small quantities, never the less, plays a very important role.  They are involved in growth and maintenance of life.

They are not synthesized by our bodies, therefor needs to be ingested through the food we eat.

There are two categories namely:
(i)                Water soluble.
(ii)              Fat soluble.

Minerals divide in major and minor.  Depending on their need in the body.

For all vitamins and minerals there is a RDA. (Recommended daily allowance).  This is to avoid deficiencies and over dosing. So make sure you stay in the RDA.
2.       Questions:

a)      What vitamins are water soluble and which fat soluble and what does this mean?

The water soluble vitamins are Beta-carotene, B-complex and Vitamin C.  They are not stored in the body and needs to be replenished every day. Excess will be excreted in urine.

The fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K can be stored in the body for several months. They can actually accumulate and have toxic effects in mega dosages.

b)       What kind of pills can be easiest absorbed?

There is no difference in the ability to absorb, between difference forms of vitamins, that is, whether you are taking pills, or liquid, of chewable.  What does influence absorbability is the combination of vitamins and minerals you take, and foods you eat with it, as these vitamins and minerals influence each other.

c)      Can vitamins initiate muscle building?

Vitamins as such – cannot build muscle, but they are involved in the muscle building process.  Vitamin C and Vitamin B-complex are those that promote muscle building.  Vitamin C is involved with collagen formation, the substance that holds tissue together.  Antioxidants also protect the muscle breakdown. B-complex is involved in many processes from fat metabolism to energy levels during a workout.

d)      If supplementing with vitamin A etc. every day will your body become used to it?

No, your body will not become ‘used to’ vitamins, as he needs them on a daily basis for normal body processes.  Referring to Vitamin A, it is a fat soluble vitamin, which means that the body stores it.  Ingesting too much of this vitamin can cause toxicity.  Fat soluble vitamins can be stored by the body up to months.

e)       Do we really need vitamins and minerals supplements or is proper diet is good enough? If so, how often do we have to take it? Also, for a woman like me, what vitamin is recommended to help me cope with my workout, and help me have lean muscles?

If you eat a healthy balanced diet, consisting of grains, protein, dairy, vegetables, fruit and seeds, then you probably do not need to supplement. However, if you are an athlete, your body uses these substances in greater quantities.  If you work out on an everyday basis, additional Vitamin C and B-complex, and sometimes iron would be advised.

f)       Can you take in too much vitamins, if so, what happens to the excess?

Yes, you can.  Like I explained, you have water soluble vitamins.  If you ingest too much of these, the excess will just be excreted.  Then you have fat-soluble vitamins.  If you ingest too much of these, the body will store it, and cause toxicities.  Fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K.  Only supplement these if advised by a health care practitioner. 

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