Monday, July 16, 2012

Superfood ! Red fruit

Raspberries! Everyone loves them right? These are a member of the rose family... who knew! 

Red raspberry is most often the source of a dietary supplement sold in many health food stores called ellagic acid. This substance found naturally in raspberries belongs to the family of phytonutrients called tannins, and it is viewed as being responsible for a good portion of the antioxidant activity of this (and other) berries.

Raspberries' anthocyanins also give these delectable berries unique antioxidant properties, as well as some antimicrobial ones, including the ability to prevent overgrowth of certain bacteria and fungi in the body (for example, the yeastCandida albicans, which is a frequent culprit in vaginal infections and can be a contributing cause in irritable bowel syndrome).

Raspberries possess almost 50% higher antioxidant activity than strawberries, three times that of kiwis, and ten times the antioxidant activity of tomatoes, shows research conducted in the Netherlands and published in the journalBio Factors.

Raspberries are an excellent source of fiber, manganese and vitamin C. They are a very good source of vitamin K and a good source of magnesium, folate, omega-3 fatty acids, copper, vitamin E and potassium. In addition, they contain significant amounts of the anti-cancer phytochemical ellagic acid.

I added mine to my oats the other morning, with a spoon of maple syrup.  It was delicious! 

Eat up! 


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