Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blueberry pancakes

When I cycle my carbs, I always find it difficult to get my protein and fat intake the same, while still keeping the carbs low.  You all know that too much protein will kick you out of ketosis.  When making pancakes with protein powder and egg whites, the protein tend to go too high and kind of making balancing the meals rest of the day so hard. 
Anyways, Futurelife cereal has a new Zero Sugar version porridge. This makes a hell of a pancake!!! 

You will need:

150g egg whites 
40g futurelife Zero sugar 
100ml milk (lactose free for me) 
100g fresh blueberries 

Mix all these goodies (except berries) very well and pour mixture into a heated pan.  I add about 15ml macadamia oil in the pan, because this counts towards my fat intake for the day.   Scatter half of your berries over the uncooked pancake.  Put a lid on it. Let it cook for about 5minutes.  You will see when it is done.  

What I love most about this is the yummy berry juices everywhere!

Take it out of the pan and add rest of the berries.  I also added fresh vanilla pod. Makes an amazing taste. 
If you use spray and cook instead of oil, you can reduce calories by 120 and fat by 15g

Calories 450
Carbs 42g
Fat 19g 
Protein 30g

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