Sunday, June 30, 2013

Chicken Breasts

Hello Friends,

I hope all of you had a great weekend.

I have decided to start dedicating some posts to chicken. lol...  The question I get asked the most probably , is how to get the friggin chicken tasty!?

This can be a daunting task at first, BUT practise makes perfect.  I will share some more chicken recipes with you guys :)

Here goes:

Marinate your chicken breasts overnight in a tablespoon of honey, generous squeeze of lemon and fresh rosemary. Pan fry in a light coating of olive oil on a how heat until you can see the breasts is cooked.  Then turn up your heat and the juice will start to caramelise.  DELICIOUS healthy chicken! Boom!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Melissa,
    I went through many of your recipes which i must say are awesome, still i haven't made any yet because I m a vegetarian so I would like you if you can post any Diet plan or any recipes for a vegetarian guy like me who is looking for mass gain.



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