Thursday, June 27, 2013

Why do you need to eat post-workout?

If you are like me ... and I assume  many athletes are; You are always ready to eat anything with an arm and a leg!

But there is actually a very good reason we need to eat as soon as possible after a workout. Without going into the very technical yap yap of it, your body needs to replenish its energy stores.  Energy it used up during your workout.

So then, what do we need to replace?  Easy.  Carbohydrates, protein and fluids.  The water you will measure on how much you transpired.  I tend to drink 1-1.5L of water while I train.  Water junkie! :)

Types of food that will absorb fasted for this purpose:  This is the time to eat your higher GI carbs. Breads, bagels, rice crackers, fruits, etc.  You will need some protein post-workout if you are a weightlifter.  I suggest a protein powder, like QNT Delicious Protein.  I have the caramel flavour right now.  Or have a portion of chicken, chilled meats, etc.

Here is an simple example of a post-workout meal I had today.
3 rice crackers, I piece of turkey ham. Tomato....

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