Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Beans beans the musical fruit!

This is for sure worth a try! Currently my favourite meal and I have it at least once a week.

To prepare the mince:
300g of the leanest beef mince you can find. I use 5% fat.
A cup of red beans.
Since I like my food spicy, I flavour with, a teaspoon of paprika, a teaspoon of curry, a dash of cumin, a tablespoon of sugar free mustard, a table spoon of honey and about a table spoon of soy sauce. Add salt to taste.
Put it all in a pot, add a cup of water and let it cook for about 3O mins.. depending on how saucy you like your filling!
I use whole multi-grain wraps.
So, to make your mexican wrap, take the wrap , add about a handful of lettuce or spinach, 3 tablespoons of the mince and red bean filling, and a tablespoon of fat free cottage cheese.
I love really spicy so I add more chopped fresh chillies to the cottage cheese.

Bon appetit!

Benefits of red beans...
Red beans are naturally high in protein, low in fat and a good source of carbs.  Per cup, you get more or less 15g of protein. It is also high in fiber , which gives you a feeling of satiety...
Eat up!!!

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