Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Green Juice Fast

The 24-HOUR fast
Fasting is the voluntary avoidance of food (and sometimes certain beverages) for a set period. Although it has been used for purposes that are unrelated to health, fasting has been used to heal the body for thousands of years. Hippocrates (commonly known as the “Father of Medicine”) is one of the first documented physicians to publicly support the health benefits of fasting. He believed that abstaining from food for a period can help the body heal itself from a disease. Since then, fasting has been used by people across the world to support a healthy life.
Among the many types of fasts available, it can be challenging to know which methods are most effective.  The 24 hours Fast consists of eating one big meal (usually dinner) and then avoiding all food until dinner the following day.
One common misconception about intermittent fasting is that it is unsafe. While there are certainly ways that fasting can be made unsafe, intermittent fasting is healthy for nearly all individuals. There are, of course, rare exceptions where fasting is not appropriate at certain times or for certain individuals. However, the intermittent fasting that is followed here is so temporary that nearly everyone can experience the benefits of fasting. 
In fact, research has shown that intermittent fasting can serve as a much safer alternative to restrictive diets. When calories are restricted, a complex series of intricate events is triggered, including the “activation of cellular stress response elements, improved autophagy, modification of apoptosis, and alteration in hormonal balance.” Intermittent fasting helps reduce the adverse effects of chronic calorie restriction, including malnutrition.
Do you fast once a week.  For example, every Monday.
As you begin to plan your first 24-hour fast, there are some important considerations to be aware of. For you to see 24-hour fasting benefits, you need to be sure that you are eating the correct foods prior to your fast. First, be sure that the last meal prior to your fast is full of healthy fats. This can include foods such as fish, nuts, avocados, and olive oil.
Foods containing healthy fats will help you feel full for a longer period and will reduce tempting cravings. Second, plan to drink plenty of water during your fast to suppress feelings of hunger. Often, feeling hungry is a sign of thirst. Also, be sure that you are drinking lots water during your intermittent fast.
One of the most important questions about fasting is “what are the 24-hour fasting benefits that I can expect to experience?” Because of the unique way that intermittent fasting works with the body, there is a wide range of improvements that people see when they begin fasting. Some of these benefits can be observed within a very short period, while others require regular fasting over several months or years. Intermittent fasting directly impacts numerous parts of the body, especially those that help regulate weight. Explore some of the 24-hour fasting benefits that you are likely to see after starting intermittent fasting.
One of the most significant 24-hour fasting benefits is weight loss. At first glance, it might seem like the reduction of calories that occurs with regular fasting is the main reason for losing weight. However, the reduced calorie intake is not the sole reason behind the weight loss that many experiences because of intermittent fasting. There are complex processes that occur during a fasting period that are the root causes for successful weight loss.
For example, it is thought that fasting may 
Improved weight loss and a longer lifespan are not the only 24-hour fasting benefits. There are many other ways that regular intermittent fasting has been proven to positively affect one’s health.
Research has linked intermittent fasting to;
  • improved gut health
  • stabilized blood sugar levels
  • reduced inflammation

Studies have even found that intermittent fasting could prevent certain types of cancer, lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
One of the most commonly overlooked 24-hour fasting benefits is the added time it puts back into your day. Making multiple meals and snacks every day is time-consuming. Even if you dine at a restaurant or choose a prepared meal option, the act of dining takes time. Fasting helps give you more time to focus on things that are important to you, such as family, friends, exercise, reading, and more.
The list provided above isn’t an exhaustive list of every one of the potential 24-hour fasting benefits. Researchers are still examining the link between fasting and its impact on various parts of the body. As we learn more about the effect that intermittent fasting has on our health, fasting is more than just a temporary diet or a fad. Instead, this time-tested practice can unleash a whole-body transformation.
Although fasting has many wonderful benefits, it can be a shock to your system at first. Whether you have never tried intermittent fasting, or if you have tried and struggled in the past, it is key to acknowledge that fasting can be challenging at first. The best way to overcome the associated struggles is to make your fast as easy as possible. That’s why I have developed a few favorite fasting “hacks” to make your transition a bit smoother.
One of my favorite hacks is to use green juice when beginning to fast. Ideally only water during your 24-hour fasting period. Drinking green juice while fasting is also incredibly beneficial. Between your once-per-day meal, sip on 1-2 cups of green juice. Green juice is dense in exceptional nutrients.
Because you are giving your body a break from food, the energy you would spend on digestion can help heal the body. When you add the healing nutrients in liquid form, you are giving your body tools it needs to restore itself.

Easy green juice recipe:
1 bag of spinach
1 bag of kale/swiss chard
1 cucumber
1 lemon with peel
Small piece of ginger
4-6 celery sticks


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