Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Holiday weight management

Hello Friends -

Hope you are all very well still? I am enjoying the South African sun.  Not all holiday for me. Since my studies are almost done, I am working on the last submission before I will be a qualified personal trainer.  I also completed Level 2 First Aid.  Yeah! I can save lives now!

So I got this question.  How do you go on holiday, and not turn into a complete blow fish?

You have to be realistic.  I even tell myself this.  Holidays are there for a reason.  To blow off steam, after a long year of working hard.  Sometimes the steam that blows off - blows up in our thighs and muffin tops... lol... So, to prevent that, I put together some tips.  You will not like them all. Ha ha!

Firstly, exercise is a MUST:  I am not saying run a half marathon every day, but you should really try your best to stick to some sort of easy reachable holiday cardio.  Think about this.  You have been hitting the gym all year, and suddenly you stop. What will your body do?

Fitted clothes... aaaahah! you ask me HOW will this work??? well... it makes you stop eating when you had enough, before you burst out your clothes. ! he he he

Do not leave the house hungry. Or the tent, or wherever you are staying. It makes over eating later so much easier!

Carry fruit, dried fruit and nuts around in your holiday bag. It is a light snack that will fill the whole, and keep you from over eating later.

Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate!!!!!!

Now the last and most important.  EAT REAL FOOD. People.... this is not as difficult as others make it out to be. Eat fruit, vegetables, meat.  Avoid take aways.  Try to consume less carbs in this time, and eat more fruit, nuts, veggies, lean meat.

Girls , If you are serious about this, you will find a way to make it work.  Personally I never leave the house without food, or planning at least when and where my next real food meal will come from.
We all want to look like stallions and fillies on the beach. Make it happen.  It is in your hand.

Lots of Christmas love to all!!!  :)


  1. Good to have you back in sunny beautiful SA. I have a question, how much do you know about real Chinese food? I travel to China 3 times a year for work, getting ready to leave later this month again. Even though I am always active there (hotel does have a gym) I always seem to gain anything between 3-5kgs in the 2weeks. Ok keep in mind, its hotel living, eating out at least twice a day. Chinese food is oily, fatty and always with a lot of fried/steamed sticky rice. How do you think I should handle this next trip? Please help, I've recently lost 6kgs, and the last thing I want is to gain it all again

  2. Hello Annamarie ...

    First congrats on your weight loss! Just makes you feel so good right? I understand that you do not want to regain. Let me see what I can put together for you okay!


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